Idil Baby & Mamino Flagship Store
location: Istanbul, Turkey
year: 2020
type: retail
status: built
area: 130 m²
Idil Baby & Mamino store’s linear spatial configuration with repeated columns on the wall surfaces generates an important potential for the design process. Another approach of the space creation is shaped around the dynamism and focuses on establishing a relationship with the children and converting the retail store in to an interesting spot. In this direction, portable displaying units are designed in different sizes and colors in contrast to the repeating wall displaying panels. Murals designed by Ezgi Aksoylu also strengthened the design motivation on dynamism. The spatial distinction is enriched with the lighting design which also drives forward the exhibited products. The service / operation point is located in the entrance area and developed correlated with the open showcase where portable and contactable geometric objects were placed in order to involve the children to the story and generate an interaction between the store and the user.